Welcome! I am Christian Brady, a scholar of ancient Hebrew and Jewish literature, Professor of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Jewish Studies, and the inaugural T. W. Lewis Dean of the Lewis Honors College at the University of Kentucky. I was the Interim Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at UK from September 2020 through June 2022, and Dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State from 2006-16.
This site is the nexus of my online presence. Here you can find my curriculum vitae (or PDF version), a listing of my administrative experience, books, and a link to Targuman, my personal blog.
I am also the husband of Elizabeth who is a writer, an Associate Teaching Professor in the department of Communication Arts and Sciences, and a public relations consultant for Global Programs at Penn State.

We have two beautiful and well above-average children. Our daughter graduated from Penn State with Honors, earned an MPhil in Medieval History from Cambridge University, and is passionate about history and art history. Tragically, our son Mack passed away in 2012, just two weeks before his 9th birthday. Our friends and family helped establish the Mack Brady Memorial Penn State Soccer Fund that supports and develops goalkeepers in Penn State’s Men’s Soccer Program. My latest book, Beautiful and Terrible Things, grows out of my scholarly work and this deep, personal loss of our son.
I am also a priest in the Episcopal Church and Canon Theologian in the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington.